Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

It's hard to believe today was our fourth Thanksgiving in Nashville!  We woke up and watched some of the Macy's Parade and then just hung out at home.  This afternoon we went on our annual Thanksgiving Day hike.  It was pretty cold, so we were all bundled up.  I thought the girls looked pretty cute!  Story looked like a bag lady with her nature bag, bug catchers, binoculars, leggings-skirt and boots and that hat---the cutest bag lady I've ever seen;-)
 We went hiking at Radnor lake and we saw lots of wildlife!  There were deer, woodpeckers, ducks, chipmunks and turkey!

Coda just hung out in the Ergo the whole time.  Her face was pretty cold, so I covered her up and she had a nice little nap:-)
The girls all took their binoculars and nature bags.  Lots of discovering to do!

Cadence played tour guide most of the hike.  Her sisters didn't appreciate her commentary, they thought she was being too loud.  They wanted to see more wildlife!

At the end of the hike is when we saw the turkey.
They're kind of hard to see in these pictures, but there were five of the roaming around.  I was glad we weren't having turkey for Thanksgiving, it would have made me sad to see these guys out in the wild and then to be eating one of them!  Luckily, there weren't any pigs around because the girls did have ham:-(

We came home and made our Thanksgiving dinner.  I didn't take any pictures, but it was yummy!
I did get these pictures of Coda having her Thanksgiving feast.  She was being a messy eater!
It's hard not to think about our days in the hospital during this time of year.  Thanksgiving 2010 was spent in the hospital.  Today I am thankful we're all healthy and happy!

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