Friday, March 15, 2013

Fun on Lyric's Birthday!

Today, Lyric wanted to go to Circus World for her birthday.  We have never been, but it sounded like so much  fun we decided to give it a try.
I got this shot of the girls this morning before we left.  Cadence decided her breakfast taco needed to be in the picture too:-)
Lyric wanted to bowl first.

 Cadence and Story wanted to go see the rest of what Circus World had to offer, so Daddy and Lyric finished their games to speed things up.

We hit the bumper cars next.  (I say we, but I just played photographer all day.  Circus World doesn't offer much for pregnant women:-/)

 After the bumper cars, they tried Laser Tag.  It was the girls first time.  They liked it, but were a little disappointed the boys won:-(  
We tried skating after laser tag.  They have skated before, but they still need some support.
Lyric and Story pretty much stayed on the walls.

 Cadence held mine or Devon's hands.  She liked letting herself go while we held her up.  I was afraid my pregnant self was going to fall on top of her!

 They had a good time!
 Story and Cadence waited a really long time to jump on the trampolines.  Daddy and Lyric rode the bumper cars over and over again while they waited on them.

 Story really wanted to do a flip!  It didn't happen this time, but maybe next time.

We played a few games before heading to the park for a picnic.  We had our veggie sandwiches and then it was time for gifts.
She opened Story's first.  A new Monopoly Wii game.
 She opened mine next.  A dinosaur digging kit.
 Then Cadence's gift.  She sewed Lyric a blanket to match the pillow she sewed her for Christmas.

 Last came Daddy's gift.  Two of her favorite things- nutritional yeast and Bragg's Liquid Aminos.
We have been out of these for awhile, so she was pretty excited when she opened them.

 Daddy also got her a new box of crayons and a Creepover chapter book that she has been wanting because the library doesn't have it.

 Cake time!

 We set the camera on the picnic table to try and get a family picture:-)
Story Bell was complaining about the sun, so she put her hands up in the first one:-(
Devon slid down when he was trying to get seated before the camera snapped in this one, so I was cracking up!
 Lyric had a great birthday and we all had lots of fun!  We ended the night watching Despicable Me, one of her favorite movies.

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