Friday, February 18, 2011

Zoo Again!

Since Story still can't do much inside around people we have been visiting the zoo quite often.  Today when I asked the girls if they wanted to go they all said, "Again!"  They love the playground there, so it didn't take too much convincing.
Today was our first time to visit the lorikeets.  They are beautiful birds!  You could buy a cup of food for $1.00 and all the girls said they wanted to feed them.  Before we even went in Lyric changed her mind.  Luckily there was a lady wanting to get some for her kiddos, but didn't have cash, so we gave her Lyric's.
Cadence and Story started out strong holding there food.  I think they were only scared a little half to death! 
Cadence dropped her cup, but I scooped it up before too much was spilt.
The little girls next to us were feeding them, but Story and Cadence both decided they were not taking a chance of one of the birds landing on them, so they handed their food off to me!
I thought their claws would be sharp, but they weren't at all.
I had a great time!
Before we headed to the playground we had to go see the new baby meerkats.  They were so cute!
Story loved looking through the telescope.  Until Lyric came over and told her there was no glass in it and it didn't make it any easier to see the meerkats.  Story was convinced that it was real. 
I wish I would have gotten a picture of this little guy with his mama.  He was so little!
Lyric bought some binoculars at the gift shop.
We were on the swings when the wind started to pick up and Lyric started suggesting that we leave because it looked like rain.
We decided not to go and just take our chances.  A zoo visit wouldn't be complete without posing on the hippo!
And then the sky opened up!  By the time we got to the car we were all soaked!  Story gave Cadence her hat and I gave her my jacket.
This is her, "Lady I'm Wet and Still Getting Wet-No More Pictures" smile.
Despite the rain we had a great time.

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