Sunday, July 31, 2011


Wow, I seriously have not blogged since June?  CrAzY!  It's the end of October, but I'm going to try to catch up by posting each of the four months that I've missed.
So, just pretend it's July:-)
July 2
Lyric went to a week long summer acting camp.  They put on the play The Lion King on the last day of camp.  She had one of only three speaking parts.  We were really surprised she had one of the only speaking parts because it is not like Lyric to put herself out there like that.  We asked how she got the speaking part, but she really didn't want to talk about it.  She did great!  

She also did some pretty cool artwork!
July 4
Grammy came to visit. We spent the day hanging out, taking pictures and riding bikes.  We went to the fireworks that evening.

July 5
I had a birthday-37.  That's only 3 years from 40-wow!  

July 6
Story was very excited Grammy was here for a clinic appointment!  She and Lyric posed for a few pictures before leaving for our appointment.

Randomness From July

12th of July Celebration of Life
To celebrate the anniversary of Story's diagnosis we had a fundraiser for The Leukemia Lymphoma Society.  It was HOT, but good times were had by all.

More July Fun
The girls did lots of backyard swimming this summer.  On this day, they were playing "Pop the Shark".  You blow up balloons and draw shark faces on them.  Then you attempt to pop them.  It was much harder than you would think.

The girls spent some time taking pictures of themselves this month.   They learned how to use the timer setting on Lyric's camera. 

That's about it for July or at lease that is what we got pictures of:-)

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