Saturday, May 12, 2012

Cumberland Mountain State Park

We went camping this weekend at Cumberland Mountain State Park.  Devon ran his first trail run.  It was a 15k.  He was nervous, but excited.  He has much longer trail runs planned for the future, so he did this short one just to get some trail running experience.
Yes, the girls are in their pajamas:-)  It was early!
I don't know how many people were racing, but it seemed to be a fairly small number.

The girls and I played Frisbee,
played on the playground,

 got a goody bag and met some cool cell phone characters and
 played in the sand while we waited for Dev to finish his run.

 I was pretty happy to see him cross the finish line.  I don't know who had the harder job- him running or me entertaining the three girls and the dog:-/

 The girls could not believe everyone didn't receive a metal, so they made him one!
 Later that evening we went on a hike.

 It was a beautiful park.

 The girls made a friend with a boy camping near us.  They had fun exploring the creek.
 It was a very long overdue trip and we all had a great time!

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