Friday, November 7, 2008

Ice Burgs

I saw the idea to make ice burgs for the girls bath on a blog somewhere and I just had to try them. So easy and what fun for the kiddos.
All you have to do is freeze water with a small toy in a pudding or yogurt cup. Add a few drops of food coloring and you have yourself some ice burgs. The food coloring also turned the water blue, so that made for some extra excitement. Two things you don't want to do if you try this: 1. Don't use toys that float. (See the frog sticking out of the ice burg in the top picture.) 2. If you use a matchbox car be sure to take it out of the tub when the kiddos are done playing with it. matchbox car + little hinney = bad combination


The Mom said...

Oh fun! We'll do that! The girls will love it!

Unknown said...

Great idea, can't wait to try it out!