Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday Fun

We had a great evening with the family tonight! It started off with the two little ones napping this afternoon.
Daddy did this to Cadence, but Story did this to herself. Anyone who knows Story knows she would rather be without clothes whenever possible!
I bought a package of flowers that are supposed to make a "butterfly garden" Don't you just love the $1.00 section at Target? I thought it would be fun to try. Anyway, we decided to plant it today. Even if we don't grow any flowers; it was pretty educational just getting the spot ready.

We saw a colony of ants with their eggs. When Devon raised the rock they were under they started picking up the eggs and scrambling around. We also saw a few spiders. This one was pretty big and scary, but daddy assured us it wasn't dangerous. We saw a ton of rolly pollies. Of course, Lyric had to pick one up!

The girls ran around and played while daddy moved the rocks to get the spot ready for the flowers. Yes, Story is wearing her house shoes. Daddy suggested her tennis shoes, but she refused because, "These are more comfortable."

Cadence sat on Fred and watched. She really was having a good time despite the sour look on her face!

The girls would come and help periodically. They did spread the seeds.

Lyric was quite the expert waterer! She was very excited to have this job. I wonder how long it will take for the excitement of watering to wear off?

Daddy grilled us all a burger for supper. YUMMY!! Cadence had her first Cheeto. She liked it! I know she is only seven months old and probably shouldn't be eating Cheetos, but the kid won't eat anything... SO now we can add Cheetos to the short list of foods she will eat. They were baked... does that make it better?

For dessert we had Strawberry Short Cake. Well, that is except Story she had Banana Short Cake. I've never heard of it, but she really liked it. In fact, when she was done she said, "More cake!"

I tried to get the girls to pose for a picture after we ate, but that is next to impossible!

The night ended with the three girls taking a dip in the tub. This got crazy really quick, so Cadence was removed shortly after her entrance for her own safety! A picnic supper complete with dessert is enough to send big sisters over the edge with excitement!

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