Monday, January 12, 2009

Good Night Sleep Tight

Yes, that is SB and yes she is asleep in a chair! I know I probably should have gotten her and taken her to bed, but instead I reached for the camera. She actually looks very comfortable! Tonight she was reading a Tumble Book on the computer and it ended, so she started yelling, "Mama, Mama!" I was getting Baby C to sleep, so I yelled back that I would be there in a minute. I heard her say something else. I have no idea what it was and then it was silent. I started to get a little worried at what she might be into. When Baby C fell asleep I walked in the room and discovered the reason behind her being so quiet;-) That kid has been that way her whole life one minute she is awake and the next minute she is not... no matter where she is at or what she is doing!

1 comment:

Mrs. Bailey said...

oh my gosh! crack me up! she was a tired little girl! :) i love that you grabbed the camera! :) too cute!