Thursday, May 28, 2009

HEB- Where Everything is Better!

Our playgroup had a field trip at HEB today. I had arranged for Daddy to stay home with Cadence because it would be easier for me to handle two kiddos at the store rather than three and I really didn't think she would get that much out of it. Well, the big girls and I left and she threw a fit! We got a couple of minutes down the road and Daddy called us to come back and pick them up. Being the youngest of three he knew exactly what she was feeling.HEB was awesome! They gave the kiddos a tour of the store with snacks along the way.
Miss Lyric modeling her crown. HE Buddy came out to meet the kiddos and took a group picture with us all. The big girls went up to meet HE Buddy. But Cadence wanted no part of him!
Story got a hug. We had smoothies as an example of a healthy snack.
Smoothies give you strong muscles!Our first stop on the tour was the bakery. We got to see how they slice bread. The girls watched closely.Cadence gave Daddy a turn with her crown. We moved on to the tortilla maker. Not only did we learn how tortillas are made we learned how to say hello in Chinese. Watching the tortillas go on a roller coaster ride.Daddy really didn't like the crown on his head, so Cadence let him try it out on his ear. Story sampling a fresh tortilla. I honestly don't think there is a better food on the planet! Hey girls, look over here so I can take your picture. J gets that concept, Miss Lyric, not so much. In the produce section we practiced our colors. Can you find something orange?They paid close attention to the talk about fruits and vegetables being healthy.We met Sam the Lobster. Lyric touched him, but Story and Cadence kept their distance.
Cadence, are you sure you don't want to touch the lobster? We ended our tour with a visit to the milk cooler. It was COLD in there! All the kiddos received a group picture and a goody bag. We all had a great time!

1 comment:

Jill said...

JM recently saw that picture of she and Lyric and said "HEY, she's not taking a good picture!" She had no clue Lyric was making faces until she saw the picture! So funny! JM should be more understanding - she doesn't normally look at MY camera and smile!