Monday, May 4, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday

The girls and I had Muffin Tin Monday today. There wasn't a theme, so it wasn't anything too exciting.
Left to Right: ketchup, cut up pig in a blanket, cut up pig in a blanket, corn, grapes, teddy grahams, mac and cheese, corn strawberries, mac and cheese, mac and cheese, and corn
I am really excited because next week's theme is Children's Literature. You choose a book and build a muffin tin around it. Now to think of a book... any suggestions? Visit Her Cup Overfloweth to join in on the muffin tin fun!


Be Brave, Keep Going said...

seriously, is there anything better than strawberries and mac n' cheese? not sure!

Jill said...

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is an easy one for this.... Or Green Eggs and Ham/Seuss!