Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Patriotic Muffin Tin

We were out of town on Monday, so we did our muffin tin on Wednesday this week.  Michelle at Her Cup Overfloweth had a patriotic theme this week.
We had cherries, strawberries, blueberries, more blueberries (yes, they are a favorite), string cheese, star shaped bread, jello x3, more star bread, ketchup, hot dog x2, ketchup.  There was going to be a third piece of star bread, but Story snagged it off the counter before I could take the picture.
We LOVE Muffin Tin Monday or any day of the week around here.  Be sure to check out Her Cup Overfloweth for upcoming themes and to see more muffin tins.


Stefanie said...

LOVE this!! what a cute idea. :)

Mrs. Bailey said...

cool! you are soooo good! i still haven't tried this! i think we'll give it a shot soon . . . while we're hanging at home with the new baby . . . it'll be the highlight of their day! :) too cute!