Monday, July 20, 2009

Swim Lessons

The girls and I are at Grammy's this week for swim lessons. Today was our first day. The big girls LOVED it and can't wait to go back tomorrow.
Cadence LOVED the water, but she didn't care too much for the teacher trying to tell her what to do. The first song we sang was Wheels On the Bus, which is one of her favorites, so she loved it. But, when it came time to sing I'm a Little Tea Pot it was a whole different story! She didn't like it and didn't want to sing it. She started yelling, "No, tea pot! BUS! No, tea pot! Wheels on Bus!" Luckily, I'm a Little Tea Pot is a pretty short song and we were soon moving onto something else that she liked:-) Overall, she had a good time and can't wait to go back tomorrow as long as the teacher doesn't tell her what to do.

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