Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Not Like That!

Story asked me to play with the Weebles with her today. I reluctantly said yes. Our little Story Bell is a little bossy when you play with her, but I agreed. Well, they have these little Polly Pocket type dolls that they play with the Weebles with. I sat down and pick one up. Here is how our playing went:
Me: "What's your name?" Story: "Holly."
Me: "Hi Holly, my name is Skip."
Story: "Her name is Lilly." (talking about my guy)
Me: "But she has a beard, I want his name to be Skip. I think he is a pirate."
Story: "If you are going to play with me you have to do the rules!"
And she wonders why I don't like playing Weebles with her.

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