Monday, December 2, 2013

Where Are the Chips?

We were having burgers for lunch today.  Well, Devon and I were having mushroom burgers and the girls were having fake chicken patties.  When we have this we usually have chips with it.  Devon and I have decided to watch what we eat a little closer, so we didn't buy chips to go with it this time.  When we were getting the girl's plates ready we told them they could have carrots, celery, strawberries and oranges to go with it.  We both looked at each other waiting for, "Where are the chips?"  But it never came.  They each picked what they wanted (Lyric- strawberries and oranges, Story- carrots, celery, strawberries and oranges and Cadence- carrots, strawberries and oranges).  They never asked for the chips.  They happily got their plates and sat down to lunch.
This made us both see how the chip habit was ours.  He and I like chips, so we get chips to go with burgers, but luckily we haven't made the girls think they need chips.

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