Friday, July 25, 2008

Magic Monkey Bananas

Lyric had a cooking play date today. They read No More Cookies by Paeony Lewis and then made Magic Monkey Bananas.
First, they cut the banana in half and peeled it.
Then they covered it in chocolate and sprinkles!
Yes, the sprinkles came out a little fast:-)
While the bananas were in the freezer the kiddos played Twister Scram and Hullabaloo. We had never played either of these games before, but Lyric seemed to enjoy them.
The girls shared a red circle.
Lyric and C shared a spot, but he didn't want to get too close! I wish I had taken a picture of their feet rather than their faces. He had one toe on the circle.
You know guys there is more than one blue circle!
Banana time! YUM!
I don't know why she has that expression. She really did like it! On our way home from the play date I told Lyric we would have to get the stuff to make Magic Monkey Bananas with Story, but she insisted we would have to get the book also. So I guess we will be looking for No More Cookies on our next trip to the library.

1 comment:

The Mom said...

Aww you got some cute pictures!!! I guess that's what happens when you host - you can't grab the camera! We both have run into this..oh and if you can't find the book at the library you can borrow ours.