Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Magic Monkey Bananas

Lyric made Magic Monkey Bananas at one of her cooking play dates a while back and I promised we could make them at home. We finally did it today. We read the book No More Cookies by Paeony Lewis and followed the recipe for Magic Monkey Bananas in the back. You basically dip a banana in melted chocolate and pour on some sprinkles. Story decided to take a few pictures when I was getting the chocolate chips ready to melt.

Story worked really hard counting out the four sticks we needed for the bananas. (Yes, she is naked). She made sure she had enough by counting them twice.

She enjoyed using the butter knife to cut the banana. (Note to self: Teach Story that the whole knife is not used for cutting. There is a difference between the blade and the handle) Lyric spooning on the chocolate.

Story apparently missed her banana when she was adding the chocolate.

The finished product.

The bananas had to chill for an hour, but the girls had plenty of chocolate and sprinkles to lick off their hands.

Enjoying the bananas.

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